3- Record collection

The record collection database has the following fields for music: Artist, Title, Style, Origin, Year, Intro, Broadcastings per day or per week, fewest time between 2 broadcastings, Composer-songwriter, ref album and producer for tax authority, out point customizing, Wished time slots, Forbidden on selected week days, 8 last broadcastings display.

Jingles collection

Every jingle can be allowed to play during user defined time slots. Jingles can also be individually forbidden to play on certain days of the week. If a jingle is a voice without music then we can allow it to be played on print. This means the jingle will be played during a song introduction. If it isn't a cappella jingle it will be played between two songs. A jingle can also be linked with a song, specifying its card number.

Hour pips

Hour pips are little spots played everytime a new hour begins. Double click on an hour and select the hour pip that fits it. Then, specify if it can be played on print or not