3- Record collection
The record collection database has the following fields for music: Artist, Title, Style, Origin, Year, Intro, Broadcastings per day or per week, fewest time between 2 broadcastings, Composer-songwriter, ref album and producer for tax authority, out point customizing, Wished time slots, Forbidden on selected week days, 8 last broadcastings display. |
Jingles collection Every jingle can be allowed to play during user defined time slots. Jingles can also be individually forbidden to play on certain days of the week. If a jingle is a voice without music then we can allow it to be played on print. This means the jingle will be played during a song introduction. If it isn't a cappella jingle it will be played between two songs. A jingle can also be linked with a song, specifying its card number. |
Hour pips Hour pips are little spots played everytime a new hour begins. Double click on an hour and select the hour pip that fits it. Then, specify if it can be played on print or not |